Winter 2023 issue - Heritage Land Rover Magazine

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Heritage Land Rover Winter 2023
Issue 202304


Winter 2023
Winter 2023   

Heritage Land Rover delivers again! The pristine Winter 2023 edition has stylishly pulled up into its bay, delivering to you, the magazine that celebrates the first half century of the Great British 4X4 better than anyone else! The Winter issue includes the feature ‘Prototype 110’ where we discuss a revolutionary Land Rover 110 in the hands of the Dunsfold Collection. In the article ‘Charlie’, Graham Scott details a classic Series II restored in the name of a sadly departed former owner. And Gary Noskill uncovers the original premium Land Rover, in the hands of an iconic collector, in the feature piece ‘New Golden Age’. To read these articles, and so much more, make sure to get hold of your copy of the Winter 2023 edition of Heritage Land Rover Magazine.