It’s the moment the British public has been waiting for… Summer is finally here and it brings with it a new issue of Heritage Land Rover to enjoy alongside that long-awaited sunshine. Let’s see what this season’s set list looks like…
We can all agree that most things tend to decline with age, but if you are an old Land Rover and you have the good fortune to fall into the hands of Richard Cosse of Autoecosse Autobody you might find a return to your prime on your old age. Find out what this chap can do with an old Series I from page 4.
As the saying goes, beauty is only skin deep. The Series IIB has never been known for it’s good looks, but those that survive this aesthetic-obsessed world are treasured as classics. People have started to see beneath the surface of Land Rover’s lorry, so Mike Trott takes us through the personality that can be found when you look at it little harder at this one.
We were in for a treat when we met up with Mike Hayes and his ‘Ferrari for a fat man’. Mike’s Rover-rod is a bright orange, custom ’92 Range Rover pick-up and certainly draws as much attention as any Ferrari would! Regular hot-rodders may well cringe away from this one, but as fellow Land Rover enthusiasts we’ll let you make your own mind up when you see it!
Whether they are languishing in a state of disrepair or shining and spoilt as the owners show-piece, there’s a place in Heritage Land Rover for every series and model which means the Summer release is yet another issue of pages packed to the edges with eclectic Land Rover content!